Thursday, February 8, 2007

Investigation 2: Selections from Google

I work in internet marketing, and everyday, i encounter terrifying people. Grown adults that can't spell or punctuate or format a normal email. I encounter teenagers posting the most inane things in a form of English that makes me want to cry. I am trying not be be judgmental as I see what discussions on mindfucks already exist.

I came across this mindfuck forum
and i have very mixed feelings about it. The concept is right and i was initially psyched to see people talking about mindfucks in general, but then as i read in the forum, and read for a long time, i became increasingly dismayed. First, mindfucking is frequently used to describe the experience of fucking with someone else. Acting weird in public, guerrilla art (yay), etc. I'm currently pondering where our boundaries are. Also, this is my project and i'm allowed to be judgmental, though i know it's a horrible facet of me. I read a forum post about someone who pretended to be a cop and told someone their family was dead- called it a mindfuck. This sort of thing makes me want to ban deviant or possibly mean behavior. but what about the cacophony society? All of that is amazing and i admire the balls and brains involved in that. And of course guerrilla art rocks my world and i want to hear about how it rocks yours...

I'm trying to be less judgmental, thus the verdict from the preceding ramble is this: Tell me anything you want about experiences that changed your way of thinking, with an emphasis on your internal though processes. Use decent sentences and a lot of brainpower. I figure introspection and literacy are grand filters.

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